12 Estancia High School students and one teacher recently completed the 5 Saturdays workshop

5S-Group-Funny-Photo_320x214  Twelve Estancia High School students and one teacher recently completed the 5 Saturdays workshop focused on computer programming and Agile/Scrum principles at the school in Costa Mesa. The students made their final presentations on July 25, and were awarded Associate Agility Team Leader certifications. Estancia Assistant Principal Dr. Dave Martinez attended the award ceremony, as well as family, friends, and 5 Saturdays’ volunteers.

Dr. Martinez, Estancia Assistant Principal said the program is an invaluable supplement to Estancia’s curriculum. “As most of us know, employers are looking for competent individuals who have the strong technical and interpersonal skills needed for the positions they need filled,” he said. “Students come away from this program knowing they have learned skill sets that will put them ahead which in turn promotes a stronger belief in one’s self and confidence.”

The 5 Saturdays program focuses on opening the door for students to a career in information technology and business. Students learn in a collaborative and project-based environment, and are exposed to concepts they can use right away to tackle homework or community service activities, and in the future as they move on to college and a career. The next 5 Saturdays program will be held at Estancia High School starting in October 2015. For information, visit 5Saturdays.org.